Blog & Resources
The Growing Trend of HIPAA Compliance Enforcement: What to Watch For in 2017
How Will HIPAA Enforcement Change in 2017? In March of 2016, the Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) launched into Phase 2 of HIPAA audits. One year later, experts have begun to speculate that these HIPAA audits will start to..
Product Updates and New Features - March 2017
Voluware partners with Concord Technologies to heal the pain felt by every healthcare provider in the US
Integrated cloud fax enables Voluware’s VALER™ healthcare users to eliminate choke points in the prior-authorization submission process.
Concord Technologies Releases Concord Cloud Workflow – The Secure, Compliance-optimized Workflow Platform for Healthcare and Enterprise Organizations
Concord Technologies, a leading provider of secure cloud-based enterprise fax and document management, today announced the release of Concord Cloud Workflow. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (PRWEB) SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 Concord Cloud Workflow, a secure..
How much does PCI compliance matter for fax users?
Did you know that if you accept, process, transmit or store credit card information, you are subject to PCI compliance? In this article we outline the basics of PCI DSS compliance and what that means for businesses using fax to transmit credit card..
HIPAA Conduit Fax Service Providers are NOT HIPAA Compliant
The HIPAA Omnibus Rule of 2013 outlined the requirement for covered entities to have business associate agreements with any third party being used to directly or indirectly handle Protected Health Information.
MFP Faxing - The Right Way and The Wrong Way
Here’s your mini bar. Sat there, just a few feet away from the bed. It’s right there, waiting... There’s no need to call room service or go down to the bar. All you have to do is reach over, open the door and liberate that cool refreshing beverage...